Loring Holdings Submits Petition to Intervene in Reliability Investigation

As directed by the MPUC, Loring Holdings, LLC has submitted its proposal for a Long-Term Contract for Capacity and Associated Energy from Docket 2012-00504 into Docket 2012-00589, the "Commission Initiated Investigation of the Reliability of Electric Service in Northern Maine." 

A reliability issue has been formally recognized by NMISA and the Planning Advisory Group. The MPUC has asked Loring to submit its proposal for the Loring Cogen into this proceeding to be evaluated against other proposed solutions. 

So far, the options for resolving the reliability solution fit into three categories, with various proposed solutions:

  • Increased Transmission Capacity with New Brunswick
    • Emera Maine has proposed a new transmission line to New Brunswick 
  • Connect to ISO-New England through New Transmission
    • New Hampshire Transmission proposes to use the Bridal Path for a new 345kV transmission line
    • EDP and CMP proposes a similar 345kV transmission line in the same Bridal Path corridor
    • Maine GenLead/Northern Maine Interconnect has proposed an alternative interconnection with ISO-NE
  • Increased in-region generation (Non-Transmission Alternatives)
    • Loring proposes a 65MW cogeneration facility at Loring
    • ReEnergy proposes reactivating the Ashland and Fort Fairfield Biomass plants

To learn more, read the Petition to Intervene and Proposal from our Downloads page


Loring, CH2M Hill, Summit and LDA Promote Proposal at MPUC Technical Conference